Well… not really because it’s actually not that big of a deal as the internet makes it out to be! There are a few explanations and options, and you can make an informed decision about what you might want to do. Most babies at term (>37 weeks) will be head down; only about 3-4% of babies will be breech.
You could simply wait a little longer and re-evaluate the position after 37 weeks, and your baby might spontaneously get into a head-down position. Certain things can help the baby do this, including acupuncture and moxibustion (Chinese incense stick positioned near the little toe). This is based on a randomized controlled trial that showed almost a 70% success rate. Adopting certain positions and exercises can also be helpful.
Dr. Singh will have a detailed discussion about breech with you should you find yourself in this situation, help you navigate your way around the information, risks, and benefits, and help guide your decision around external cephalic version (trying to turn your baby into a head-down position), a planned vaginal breech birth, or planned elective caesarean section—whatever feels right for you!